CBD Gummies for Reducing Depression, Anxiety, and Insomnia
As Cannabidiol (CBD) gains popularity among different groups, it is becoming more prevalent in areas of health & wellness, skin care and pet care for its numerous benefits. Among these benefits include helping to improve mood, reduce anxious feelings and despondency, as well as promoting better sleep.
Legitimation of CBD Products
CBD is processed from the hemp plant, which has been used in many different resources since roughly 8000 BC. CBD is commonly misunderstood as being the same thing as THC, the psychoactive part of the marijuana plant. However, CBD and THC are different, most importantly in the fact that CBD is not psychoactive and does not make you feel high. Hemp, which is the plant CBD is made from, and marijuana are both members of the Cannabis family, but are two distinct plants from each other.
With increasing acceptance, more and more scientific studies are being conducted in regards to CBD, it’s effectiveness and potential side effects. Many studies have found that CBD is safe. A study found that CBD significantly reduces anxious feelings, and a number of other studies have shown that treatment with CBD improved quality of life, sleep and quality for people with specific neurological disorders. While it was legal statewide, on December 20, 2018, the Farm Bill was passed, which made hemp completely and permanently federally legal.
Studies for CBD in Despondency & Anxious Feelings
Anxious feelings and despondency is increasing in prevalence among the globe, especially in wealthier nations like the United States and with younger generations. These disorders are a result of how we respond to stressors or how we cope with different stresses. While there are strategies to decrease anxious feelings and desponsdency, recent studies have concluded that the supplemental use of CBD can help reduce these stress-induced disorders due to the positive interaction with receptors in the brain.
CBD can provide natural relief for those suffering with despondency. A recent study proved the benefits of using CBD for despondency. After undergoing a series of tests, it was found that the properties of CBD can relax muscles and blood vessels, even during stressful events, and helps calms the mind, which can reduce the symptoms of anxious feelings or despondency. These studies found that this happens when CBD bind with the 5-HT1A neuro-receptor.
Taking CBD Gummies
CBD Gummies are a fun and delicious way to take your CBD, and they take the guesswork out of dosing. Taking CBD in a tincture or vape can be a conversation starter, so gummies allow people to take their daily dose like someone would eat a piece of candy. This is especially helpful for those that might have social anxiety and would rather not be noticed while taking their CBD.
CBD Gummies are most typically consumed in the morning, night or even throughout the day. Because they are not fast acting, they are not recommended for use during an anxiety attack, but rather help reduce the symptoms of anxious feelings and despondency and promote overall wellbeing over the course of the day.
Gummies Form of CBD and its Popularity
CBD Gummies are popular due to their taste. This makes it the perfect option for those that just want a delicious way to consume their CBD for the day. By offering longer lasting, but milder effects due to having to travel through the digestive system, gummies are a safe and effective way to take CBD.